Jessica McGratty, turned Amaraja Bre, turned Jessica Leigh of The Juice Apothecary of Hickory, North Carolina, @Fruit_Fast_Freedom on Instagram and Facebook. When you SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING. If you have concerns about the safety of Mary Tiblis, please contact local law enforcement of the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department, as Dennis has a violent criminal record.
Dennis Tiblis of Charlotte North Carolina, works at The Fig Tree Restaurant
Dennis Tiblis Facebook CLICK HERE
Jessica was a student of Liana’s from 2015 through 2024.
Prior to her doing Liana’s work, she had an instagram account (still active) called @newparadigmmama where she described her life as a cocaine addict and alcoholic who left her son alone sleeping in the house while she was passed out drunk on the porch.
She claimed she was on the “priestess path” when she got pregnant by another man, Dennis Tiblis (he is also an abuser on this site who Amaraja said sexually abused her daughter) while she was married to Chris McGratty.
She said she was hoping the priestess path would help her get rid of her darkness and stop the chronic alcohol and cocaine use.
She was a self-proclaimed lifelong MANIPULATOR of people, used her ex husband Chris McGratty so she could live in a nice home, and while working at a strip club she manipulated men because - as a cocktail waitress - she felt she was more powerful than the actual strippers, and more alluring to the men because she wasn’t stripping.
What you will read on this page are Amaraja’s own words where for almost ten years, repeatedly thanked Liana for her extreme kindness, generosity, unconditional love, being the only person who ever truly supported Amaraja, never shaming her, continuing to help her even when she took advantage of Liana and other women in the community (including repeatedly pleading for financial donations from other women which they gave her.)
April 2024
You will see all of that right up until April 2024. In March of 2024 Amaraja was still thanking Liana for giving her a business that had done 4x what it had done the year before, for radically changing her health, helping her stop drinking and drugging, and helping her truly know Jesus.
You will read how in one 24 hour period, Amaraja went from being so grateful for everything Liana had taught her for 10 years, to being an angry, venemous, vindictive liar. Why? Liana revoked her privileges to be a health coach using the HMI name and protocols.
You see, Amaraja had been earning all of her income from Liana’s proven health protocols, and Liana never received one penny from that. She allowed Amaraja to used the HMI protocols to run groups and private coaching that ranged from $300 to over $1000 dollars. The vast majority of her clientele were people that were referred to her by HMI.
But in April of 2024 it was brought to Liana’s attention that Amaraja had not only switched to an “all fruit” diet (which is in direct contrast to the health education at HMI) but that she was pushing this on clients, including children. Liana was made aware that several women were fat shamed and told by Amaraja that they were “fat” because they were “dark.”
Many women shared that Amaraja’s personal obsession with extreme thinness, constant detoxing, repeated long fasts of 40 days or more, along with criticizing women and teenage girls for being “weak” because they weren’t losing weight fast enough, was pushing them into disordered eating patterns.
One woman told Liana that her teenage daughter was told by Amaraja as you will read below, to severely restrict her calories and eat only fruit.
Liana did what was the only ethical thing to do - revoke her privilege to be an HMI coach. She first messaged Amaraja to let her know she would be doing this, and expressed love and deep concern for Amaraja’s well being, as you will read the text messages between Liana and Amaraja below.
Liana was concerned that Amaraja needed professional psychiatric help as she had become obsessed with being underweight, as well as an obsession with constant detoxing.
Chris McGratty, Amaraja’s ex-husband and father of her son, who was working on his own healing and doing Liana’s programs and had joined her community and app, reached out to Liana and expressed his concern telling Liana that he has “witnessed” Amaraja’s “mental degradation” as you will read below. He said that Amaraja had a phone addiction and was always in “chaos.” He also said he was afraid that things would really go down hill if he confronted her, and that she had a new boyfriend who was a fruitarian.
He was concerned for his son.
On this day where the above took place, Amaraja did a 180 and instantly began attacking Liana online, joining in with the tired cult narrative. She aligned with the man she said was a pedophile who had abused her daughter sexually. She had told Liana and over 100 women that Dennis Tiblis was sexually abusing her child.
The man she stated repeatedly was the reason she KIDNAPPED her daughter and took her to Texas, to “keep her safe” from what Amaraja called her daugter’s’ abuser.
Amaraja attempted to create a narrative that Liana somehow had encouraged this. Until Liana provided screenshots of Amaraja’s lies which she broadcasted to a group of over 100 women, in addition to telling Liana, AND writing a signed affidavit for a court that said SHE ALONE made the decision to kidnap Mary. She says in her own written words in the letter, in DM’s to Liana and in a Signal Chat that she herself had “called Legal Aid” and they told her that Dennis Tiblis had NO parental rights because he wasn’t on her daughter’s birth certificate.
Amaraja tells Liana in writing as you will read below, that Legal Aid told her he would have to “prove paternity” in order to have any rights.
In fact, you will read another community member who questions Amaraja when she says she is going to “bolt” to Texas without telling Dennis, saying “can’t you go to jail for that?” To which Amaraja says “Ha!” And retells the same lie that she was told Dennis had no legal rights.
On her instagram stories Amaraja shared a screenshot of a partial conversation, while cutting out the self-incriminating evidence. She shared a snippet where Liana says yes go! Dennis has no rights, why would you be worried?
Soon after Amaraja kidnapped her daughter, Dennis served her with an emergency order to get custody of their daughter.
You will read below where Liana says “he can’t do that! He has no rights.” And that is when Amaraja says…yea…well about that… we have an affidavit of parentage. Liana asks “what affidavit?” And Amaraja says “I thought I told you that.” Followed by “I found these “articles online” that said with an affadavit of parentage he does have rights.”
Liana was very upset that Amaraja had lied so intentionally, omitted critical information, in order to kidnap her daughter. Thank God that Amaraja wrote this in many places, and Liana is a master of recordkeeping and receipts, otherwise her lies could become a “he said she said” story.
Thankfully no story needed.
No interpretation needed.
Only Amaraja’s own words.
Letter Written By Jessica Leigh regarding her decision to kidnap her daughter, among other things.
My name is Amaraja Bre aka Jessica McGratty. I am a health coach and owner of Alchemy by
Amaraja. I’m writing to share my journey with Liana Shanti, speak on her behalf and address
misinformation from Dennis Tiblis, my daughter's father, who has joined forces with a hate
This is the truth. This is what happened.
I found Liana in 2012 through Rawganic Vegan. I loved what she shared through and I loved her
personal story. I was so inspired by her and her willingness to live authentically. My life at the
time was a complete sham. I was in an unhappy marriage, stuck in toxic patterns, drinking wine
every night surrounded by others who lived the same.
Pretty much everything that I had created was based on what other people wanted for my life. I
had no boundaries and had lost all control of my choices.
But at the core of it all, I longed deeply for freedom, that’s why I reached out to Liana in 2015 as
a terrified, traumatized and hypnotized woman. I asked her if she thought that I could
successfully leave my marriage like she had? At the time I had zero confidence in myself because
of the trauma that I endured growing up in a violent and sexually abusive household.
I think Liana could feel this about me, and she has a huge heart, so she kindly responded and
said that I was capable of doing anything that my heart desired. That I could thrive without him.
It was the first time in my life anyone had ever said anything like that to me. Everyone else told
me to live the lie for money and other inauthentic reasons. That it didn’t matter that I was
absolutely miserable.
Fast forward a few years, sans my marriage, yet back in another dead end situation. I got
pregnant by Dennis Tiblis, a man that I knew I shouldn’t be with, yet allowed in my bed because,
well, I left my marriage but I didn’t leave my trauma.
I ended my relationship with him before I knew I was pregnant. During this time he followed
me, drove by my home at all hours and even showed up at my house drunk one night banging
on my door for hours, demanding that I let him in. When I didn’t, he busted my son's pumpkins
all over my walkway before leaving.
I was terrified. I didn’t know if he would bust my windows or worse. It was beyond traumatizing
for myself and the friend that was at my home.
I knew then that I couldn’t be with him, I was scared of him, yet I didn’t see another way out.
That's why I wanted to believe him when he promised he would change. So I agreed to live with
him so that I could stay home with our baby.
Unfortunately, that was a pipe dream. Nothing changed and I knew I couldn’t live that way for
long. I also wanted to change WHO I was, get to the root of why I had let this happen again after
finally freeing myself from my marriage. That’s when I started doing Liana’s programs.
It was the beginning of major life transformation for me. As I began healing my mother and
father wounds, I could SEE clearly that my world was very toxic.
The beauty was that by doing Liana’s programs, I was changing the way that I functioned in the
world. I began to SEE the trauma and heal it.
Doing Liana’s programs, healing body, mind and spirit, allowed me to finally REMEMBER what
happened to me. It was hard, but I am so grateful for it. It helped me to understand that I
wasn’t defective, I was traumatized and I didn’t have to continue living the way that I had been
Liana didn’t plant this information in my head. She supported me as I uncovered it. Unlike
anyone else in my world. Literally no one else believed me. They said I made it up when I knew
for the first time in my life that things finally made sense. No wonder I blocked out the first 6
years of my life. It was just too traumatic for the young me to handle.
While working on healing, I asked Dennis to move to another bedroom. He agreed, but decided
that my punishment would be abusive in a different way.
He ignored me… for almost 2 years while I finished school and continued healing. All along
saying he wanted me there, yet he literally didn’t speak a word to me day in and day out.
It was really scary because he would come home drink alcohol and smoke weed making the
situation even more uncomfortable. I didn’t want to be in an environment like that since I was
sober, healing my life. I also didn’t want this dysfunction for my kids.
On top of that, I was truly terrified for my life. I didn’t know what he might do one day given the
disdain I felt from him, the looks he gave me and the way he persistently ignored me.
My cPTSD was out of control. My body could never relax. When I would bring up his behavior,
he would gaslight me and try to make me think I was imagining it. But, this is what he was really
good at. Doing things and then pretending like he didn’t do things. Literally living in denial about
his harmful behavior.
I knew I had to go. It was urgent but I just didn’t know how. I initially planned on living with a
former friend and business partner, Erin Esser, and her children. But during that time period Erin
uncovered that her son was watching porn. Then, shortly after, we BOTH saw a demon on him
in a photo she had taken of him.
After that our relationship began to go downhill because I didn’t feel comfortable around him,
and she didn’t want to face the truth of what was happening. She then changed our living
agreement last minute.
None of it felt good, and since I was learning to trust my body, I decided it was time to use the
skills I was learning from Liana and make an empowered decision. I couldn’t trade one bad
situation for another.
What’s important to understand here is that Liana’s programs, and the time I spent with her,
was about learning to be sovereign. She wasn’t telling me what to do - she was teaching me
how to listen to my body. A body I had disconnected from due to intense dissociation that
began from childhood trauma.
Before I began working with Liana, I was in a masters degree program at Maryland University of
Integrative Health to become a health coach and herbal medicine practitioner. I didn’t feel the
program was giving me what I needed to be successful. Thats why after doing Liana’s programs,
and undergoing massive healing, I decided to get educated at Health Mastery Institute.
It’s a great program because Liana created proven healing regimens that I (and all her students)
can use with our own clients. It’s amazing how she supports her students and helps us to
achieve success.
BUT I do not make money off of these programs and I do not pay Liana to use these programs.
My herbal extract and essence business, Alchemy by Amaraja, is also completely separate from
Liana. There is zero connection there. My business is my own.
It was eventually this business that allowed me to move. I wanted to get as far away from
Charlotte as possible because most of my family resides there. After the horrific things that I
uncovered, including memories of giving my father oral sex, I cut off contact to protect myself
and my children.
This was one hundred percent my choice. It’s honestly insulting that I have to continue saying
this. That Dennis believes that I can’t make my own choices, and that he believes and tells our
daughter Mary that we would still be together if Liana wasn’t in the picture. It’s truly delusional
and speaks volumes about who he thinks I am.
I expressed to him on many occasions that I wanted to keep my family away. That I didn’t want
my parents to have access to my children because I was afraid of the harm they could cause.
Even after confiding in him about what happened to me, he still allowed them to visit behind
my back. I was really scared and hurt that he didn’t believe me and wasn’t choosing to protect
our daughter.
That’s why after talking to a paralegal via free legal aid in Sept 2021, I decided to move myself
and my kids as far away as possible. Dennis was not on Mary’s birth certificate, and after
explaining to the woman on the line that we had an affidavit of parentage for him, and her
telling me that it didn’t matter “he would still have to prove paternity” before gaining any legal
rights, I took us all to Texas.
I was not trying to kidnap Mary. I believed it was my legal right to take my daughter. I should
have done more research, but I was living with cPTSD and made a bad choice. All along my
intentions were to protect both of my children. I was desperately trying to keep them from
going through what I had experienced.
I just did what I felt I had to do to keep her out of the hands of the people who sexually abused
me, gaslit me, and mentally assaulted me my entire life so that they could control me. Breaking
free from that was more important than anything… but also not something I would have done
had I known it was illegal.
With all this said, Liana has been my biggest advocate. She’s the only person who has ever
treated me with respect. She’s the only person who has ever believed in me. My experience
working with her, and with her programs has changed my life in every way.
I am 100% sober now, growing two successful businesses, becoming the mother I wished that I
had and building the life of my dreams. I have authentic friendships and couldn’t be more grateful
that I found Liana and freed myself from the abusers that controlled me for so long. Liana is truly
an amazing person. She stands for truth, and sovereignty. Things I knew nothing about before her.
Jessica McGratty aka Amaraja Bre (Apr 27, 2023 22:27 EDT)
Apr 27, 2023
Jessica Leigh Bragging about how she was taking her daughter out of state to a group of over 100 women. When asked by another person if she could go to jail for that she said no, because the father isn’t on the birth certificate.
Photo sent by Jessica to show Liana the difference in her eyes from before she started working with her to after.
Photo of Jessica shortly after being removed from being an HMI coach after women came forward about the harm she caused.
Information for everyone to be aware of regarding symbols discovered by the FBI used by child predators

Jessica Leigh, Mary Tiblis, Jessica McGratty, Amaraja Bre, The Juice Apothecary Hickory North Carolina